Page 3 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 3



         “Science  &  Wisdom  can’t  be
         separated;  you  need  to  use
         both.    Wisdom  doesn’t  refer
         only to intellect (or) academic
         skill  but  also  moral  intellect
         (or)  the  ability  to  judge  right
         from wrong, to be far sighted,

                  and to be almost en lighted to the point of seeing into the future
                  by the light of your wisdom.  Wisdom can light your way through
                  the use to reason.  Wisdom, when you use properly, let you see
                  the  future,  because    you’ve  seen  the  past,  and  its  condition.
                  Considering the people’s skills and problem, you can see what
                  the future will hold

                   The  bestows  to  a  more  resilient  &  Sustainable,  better  able  to
                   meet  the  challenges  arising  from  Globalization  and  other

                D e rives f r o m  t h e  o b edien t b y  h i s  m aj esty
                   T he R o yal K i n g  B h um ibol A d ulyadej

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